
Full Circle Coaching embraces the idea that everyone can develop a relationship to that which is purely and truly Divine and that this relationship is deeply personal and individual, yet has aspects that can be understood and talked about. Fundamentally, this work is based on the understanding that, while true Divinity can never be fully understood and defined since it is by definition a mystery, we are able to approximate our understanding to the reality of Divine existence and that critical thinking and logical exploration are relevant (if not the only relevant) tools for any spiritual seeker. I therefore offer various contexts and formats in which Divinity as a phenomenon and idea can be explored in a non-religious way.

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I understand life to be a spiritual experience. What I mean by this is that spirituality to me is not a particular aspect or experience in life, it is the ground on which life grows. This to me also means that we all have “spiritual” experiences, because we are alive and we are inhabiting a body and we are having thoughts and reflections and ask questions – some deeper, some seemingly more superficial – about this experience that we are having as human beings. In many ways, spirituality to me is an expression of how to make sense of the experience of life – and we all (try to) make sense of it in some way. Every existential question has a spiritual dimension to it. Many mundane questions do as well. In the end, the most fundamental question is: What are the ideas on which your perspective of yourself, others and the world at large is based? Exploring those ideas is a spiritual endeavor. And by exchanging those ideas and talking about them, we can become more aware of their existence, sharpen them, let go of what does not serve and adopt what does. This process of spiritual exploration leads eventually to a more profound relationship with life itself and with reality as it actually is. The goal of my work is to accompany people on that journey and inspire questions as well as provide possible answers to “try on” and see if they make sense and if so in what way they make sense to each person.

Collective education is another relevant part of what I seek to provide – a platform through which basic spiritual ideas, that can help us communicate about these existential questions and ways of meaning-making across cultures and religions, can be shared. I believe we live in a highly uneducated world in terms of spirituality. I like comparing the state of common spiritual knowledge to the state of common knowledge about computers. Everyone uses computers and we as a collective by now completely rely on them. Yet, few people actually know how to write code. And if we would ask people in a hundred years, our knowledge of what can be done with computers will probably be seen as incredibly basic, like we hardly know the alphabet and are still very far away from reading a book. This is the state of our collective understanding of spirituality. Everyone relies on it since spirituality is fundamentally the preoccupation with and relating to the Ground of all Being. Few people actually know how to navigate it consciously, though. And if we ask humans in a hundred years, they will probably see our society as one that had barely started to learn some letters of the alphabet of spiritual basic knowledge and was still a long time away from being able to write poetry.

Since we are living in times that require us to wake up in so many ways, basic spiritual education becomes more and more essential for a positive collective development. It is not anymore something that only priests, religious scholars and particular members of a community need to dedicate attention to. Like with computers, everyone needs at least some basic knowledge to be able to navigate in a healthy way the rough times we are already facing and that are yet to come. So you don’t have to make this your greatest focus in life – although the more, the merrier – but simply having a certain curiosity to explore this element for yourself and care for it in some way makes all the difference. Not everyone will be a programmer, but everyone can learn how to send an Email. In the same manner, not everyone will want to dedicate their life to extensive spiritual work, but you can learn some basic ideas and practices to improve your life, the life of those you connect with and contribute to a more positive development of humanity as a whole.